International Horseman, Gunnar Ostergaard, knew as a teenager his passion was destined to be his profession and dreamed of immigrating to the United States. Dreams become goals when you put a plan into place and at the age of 16, Gunnar left his home in Denmark to start his apprenticeship through the German Riding Federation’s Bereiter program. For the next three years, he apprenticed with the renowned riding master, Karl Diel, in Flensburg Germany. Commencing his 3-year apprenticeship, Gunnar graduated 2nd in his class at the final exam in the German Riding Capital Warendorf among apprentices from all over Germany. While it was clear dressage was Gunnar’s true passion, his education included jumping and he even went on to win several jumping competitions, including several Puissances at a height of 6’ 4”. Gunnar stayed on as Karl Diels assistant trainer for 2 more years and then went on to be a private trainer at a farm in Southern Germany.
At the age of 23, Gunnar returned to Denmark where he started as a self-employed trainer just north of Copenhagen. It was during this time that he caught the attention of World-renowned dressage trainer,

In 1976, at the age of 29, Gunnar would see his second childhood dream come to fruition. With the support of Ellen Shepherd McKee, Gunnar was able to immigrate the United States where the Conroy family of Plattsburg, NY, sponsored his Green card. It didn’t take long for the word to get out about Gunnar’s expertise and his humble attitude. His reputation and clientele increased nationwide very quickly and In 1977 Gunnar found himself in NJ renting a 30 stall barn and traveling all over the US for clinics. Gunnar is proud to say he has been an American Citizen since 1984.
In 1975 Gunnar was named National Danish Professional Champion and he has gone on to train dozens of Grand Prix Horses and riders, including Ellen Dixon Miller who won National Champion at Grand Prix in 1981. His dressage expertise has helped many US International jumping riders, as well as the elite of the American 3 Day event riders, including medals won in the Olympics and WEG for both US and Canadian Teams.
In 1975 Gunnar was named National Danish Professional Champion and he has gone on to train dozens of Grand Prix Horses and riders, including Ellen Dixon Miller who won National Champion at Grand Prix in 1981. His dressage expertise has helped many US International jumping riders, as well as the elite of the American 3 Day event riders, including medals won in the Olympics and WEG for both US and Canadian Teams.

Gunnar has won numerous USDF national championships on many different horses and his most recent were the USDF Grand Prix National Champion Vintage Cup in both 2010 and 2012 on the Ostergaard’s own Danish Warmblood Monhegan. Gunnar also won the Grand Prix at the prestigious Devon Horse Show three times and at the 2002 USET Festival of Champions, he not only won the Grand Prix but placed second as well. Gunnar’s dedication to the sport also led him to serve on the USET Planning and Selection Committee for several years.
Gunnar continues to travel all over the United States doing clinics sharing his passion for correct dressage. He and Birgit divide their time between their homes in Denmark, and Tryon, NC. Please see his schedule for his upcoming clinics and locations.